Archangel, 2, 1:58.2s; 3, 1:53.1s; 1:50 ($1,141,831), is standing his fourth season in Ontario. His first Ontario crop sold at yearling sales in 2017.
“With the year that Archangel had last year it is no surprise that he is booked full and closed,” said Larry Drysdale, Winbak Farm of Ontario Manager. “Plus the training reports on his two-year-olds have been very optimistic.”
According to the USTA, Archangel was #1 for all North American stallions in 2017 for all-age average earnings per starter (this was from a limited crop in New York). This crop included 2017
Yonkers Trot Winner, Top Flight Angel, 3, 1:54.3h -'17 ($456,336).
“We would like to thank each of the breeders who have supported Archangel,” said Archangel’s owner, Alan Hainsworth of Legendary Standardbred Farm. “His co-owner, Clare Semer, and I are very happy with the way that he has been received and look forward to seeing his first Ontario crop compete in two-year-old stakes action in 2018.”
For more information on Winbak Farm, please visit For questions related to Winbak Farm of Ontario, please call 905.838.2145.