a) The 2012 New York Sire Stakes Fall Harvest Race Eligibility Requirements, NYS Racing & Wagering Board Rules and Regulations, New York Sire Stakes Conditions #51 and #52 will apply where appropriate.
b) The final top eight or nine (if track appropriate), 2012 New York Sire Stakes (NYSS) point earners and any other horses that were drawn in to race or raced in the 2012 NYSS Night of Champions finals (NOC) would not be eligible for this event. Exception: Any owner having more than a two (2) horse coupled entry for any NOC class will be allowed to race his/her next two highest point earning entries in the same class in the Fall Harvest races, if eligible.
c) Each class would be filled with remaining eligibles from the 2012 NYSS points list with horses with the highest number of points being drawn into the race first, until the class is filled with as many starters as can be drawn to post in the first tier. There can be no more than a two horse coupled entry per class from any owner. Horses must start in at least three NYSS legs to be eligible to the Fall Harvest Race events. Judges official order of finish (points) will be used in determining eligibility to the Championship Finals and/or Fall Harvest Races, exclusive of all appeals yet to be decided at the time of declaration to the Championship Finals and/or Fall Harvest Races. In the case of a positive drug test, all appeals will be excluded from eligibility to the Championship Finals and/or Fall Harvest Races unless they are resolved by adjudication prior to declaration. In the event of a tie for the last entry, the judges shall draw by lot from among the horses tied in the point standings to determine the final entry.
d) If there is any question about the eligibility of the top point earners, the NYSS in cooperation with the appropriate NYS Racing & Wagering Board Presiding Judge, will adjudicate the outcome.
e) Cancellation: should circumstances prevent the racing of any event the monies will be divided equally among the owners of eligibles declared in for the uncontested event at the time of declaring off. The money will not be counted as money earned. Extenuating circumstances such as weather and labor disputes could be cause for rescheduling races as per the NYSR&WB Rule 4114.3, if so decided by the Fund and the host track.