Note racing conditions for Bettor's Delight, Artiscape stakes
Nichols, NY--Tioga Downs will host the $200,000E Bettor’s Delight (sponsored by Blue Chip Farms) Free For All Pace and its female counterpart, the $200,000E Artiscape (sponsored by Brittany Stallion Management) on Sunday, June 12.
The racing conditions describing the formula used to determine the starters for both of these races are listed below. Please note that those conditions allow for a $60,000 consolation race (entry fee of $1,000) race to accommodate those horses not accepted for the main event, so long as there are six or more separate interests to race in the consolation. Nominating and sustaining fees are not refundable for those horses racing in the consolation.
Racing Conditions:
"All events will be one heat at one mile. The Bettor’s Delight & Artiscape will be limited to the ten (10) highest money winning horses in 2010/2011 combined amongst those that enter as of the entry date for that race. USTA records (including currency conversions) shall be accepted as official. In the event of more than ten (10) but fewer than sixteen (16) entries, a horse that is declared for any of these events but does not draw into the event due to the above condition, including a horse drawn as also eligible that does not draw into the race, (but meet the track’s qualifying standards for the race) will have their nomination and sustaining fees refunded in full and shall not be liable for the Entry Fee of $3,000.
If sixteen (16) or more horses declare for any event, those horses not accepted for the main event will be drawn into a consolation race for a purse of $60,000 that carries an Entry Fee of $1,000.
Horses declared into these events that do draw in to race are liable for the Entry Fee in full.
The sponsors reserve the right to reject any entry and return the fees paid toward that entry. A minimum of six separate wagering interests may be required in any event or the event may be cancelled. All starters are subject to the detention policy of the Host Track."
The earnings for all eligible horses have been tallied and are available (please note that earnings will be updated for those racing before the draw), along with complete conditions and list of eligible horses by following this link to the Tioga Downs website.
The condition sheet is available here for the coming weekend’s races. The entry box for the above races closes at 9 a.m. on Thursday, June 9. Please contact the Tioga Downs Race Office at (607) 699-7688 with any questions.