Bauslaugh Stable
You Can Be That t,c, My MVP—Sweet Edith
Whiskey Megs p,f, Bigrisk—Sweet Shady
Cdawg Cruiser p,g, (2,Q2:00.3, $4,491) Yankee Cruiser—Dawg’s Buddy
Cumberland Gap t,c, (2,1:57.1h, $98,698) Wishing Stone—Battle Axe
Hastalavistaeldunn t,f, (2,2:07.1h, $4,441) Neely Dunn—Sweet Edith
Chris Beaver Stable
Gabby’s Wild Child t,f, Triumphant Caviar—Gabby’s Creditcard
Lindsay Lane t,f, Sebastian K S—Dundee Lane
Neidie t,f, Manofmanymissions—Hollys Diamond
Aunt Rose t,f, (2,1:59f, $55,038) Uncle Peter—Lightning Flower
Back Splash t,f, (2,1:57.3h, $36,492) Triumphant Caviar—Splashabout
Bella’s Rose Power t,f, (2,1:57.2h, $80,135) Triumphant Caviar—Rose Power
Crossfit t,g, (2,2:00.2f, $56,674) Donato Hanover—Muscle Test
Dynamic Ridge t,c, (2,2:01.1f, $17,695) Uncle Peter—Frannies Ridge
Frontier Creeda t,f, (2,1:59.1f, $10,690) Big Stick Lindy—AB’s Extra Credit
Gallivant t,g, (2,1:58.4, $31,979) Triumphant Caviar—Hollys Diamond
Innisfallen t,c, (2,1:57.4, $16,199) Explosive Matter—Dream That Dream
Keystone Abbey t,f, (2,1:59.1h, $54,625) Cantab Hall—Miss Aultsville
Keystone Storm t,c, Explosive Matter—Keystone Sirena
Luckycompeter t,g, (2,1:58h, $30,011) Uncle Peter—Lucky Billie
Morairtime t,f, (2,1:58.2, $23,911) Airzoom Lindy—Moira Hall
My Pure Honey t,f, My MVP—Honey Mesquite
Never Say Uncle t,g, (2,1:58.4f, $47,350) Uncle Peter—Travelin Dream
Otsego t,c, Dejarmbro—You And Me Baby
Pure Chance t,f, (2,1:59.2f, $69,746) Triumphant Caviar—Jewell Creek
Pure Rock p,c, (2,1:51.3, $63,270) Rockin Image—Pure Diamond
Sophia Lia t,f, (2,1:57, $50,121) Guccio—Northern Mystique
Stone In Love t,f, Triumphant Caviar—Upfront Bye Bye
TC’s Best t,c, (2,1:59h, $36,243) Triumphant Caviar—Curvature Hanover
Westlynn Quest t,f, Manofmanymissions—Weslynn Legacy
older horses
Be Razzled p,m,5, (4,1:50.2, $396,881) Charley Barley—Razmatz Hanover
Buckeye Boss t,g,5, (4,1:53f, $332,799) Triumphant Caviar—Frannie’s Ridge
Custom Cantab t,m,4, (3,1:53, $735,886) Mr Cantab—Custom Model “Indiana 3-year-old Filly Trotter of the Year”
Moonshiner Hanover t,h,5, (4,1:52.3f, $571,802) Andover Hall—Madam Hooch
Moosonee t,g,4, (3,1:53.4f, $149,193) Explosive Matter—Lady Andover
Buckeye Boss t,g,5,(4,1:53f, $332,799) Triumphant Caviar—Frannie’s Ridge
Clark Beelby Stable
Built Strong t,c, Muscle Mass—Margarita Hall
Raffi Blue Chip t,f, Muscle Mass—Dunk The Donato
Royalty Deal t,f, Royalty For Life—Cha Cha Glide
Wham Bam Hanover t,f, Explosive Matter—Won An Done
Side Hill Gouger p,c, Sportswriter—Linatawa N
While Your Up t,c (2,Q2:03, $24,517) Royalty For Life—Color Me Pretty
older horse
New Plymouth t,g,4, (3,1:55.3f, $45,360) Andover Hall—Podagras
Rick Beinhauer Stable
Apostle Peter t,c, Uncle Peter—Blessings Counted
Better Song t,f, Better Caviar—Jessie’s Song
Performancematters t,c, Explosive Matter—Promisemethis
Whistling Belle t,f, Wishing Stone—Toms B Day Belle
Beau Brown Stable
Emblynette 2,f,p, Pet Rock—Ag-N-Au Bluegrass
Brian Brown Stable
Always At Rio p,f, Always A Virgin—Scarlet
Baba O’Riley p,f, Santa Fe Beachboy—Mid-western Jatelo
Beach Kisser p,f, Beachtree-Kiss Me Lindy
Blazin Grace p,f, Sweet Lou—Simplyirresistible
Cactus p,f, A Rocknroll Dance—Whetstone Hanover
Captain Casanova p,c, Captaintreacherous—Foxy Lady
Captain’s Reign p,c, Captaintreacherous—Dragon’s Tale
Caribbean Escape p,c, Bring On The Beach—Caribbean
Caviart Claire p,f, McArdle—Caviart Christa
Caviart Guilia t,f, Explosive Matter—Gossip Hanover
Caviart Revere p,f, Well Said—Rock-A-My Baby
Corner Pocket p,f, Art Official—Cornerstand
Cryptogram p,f, Always A Virgin—Summer Mystery
Deligence p,c, Rockin Image—Stonebridge Beauty
Dig Danny Dig p,c, McArdle—Miss Madi M
Dr Lyndsay p,f, Nob Hill High—Myell
Enough Sun p,c, Somebeachsomewhere—Jated Love
Fantasy Life p,f, Dragon Again—Tea Time
Fortify p,c, Sweet Lou—Can’t Stop Me Now
Granny Hanover p,f, Captaintreacherous—Good News Lady
Hava Connection p,f, Well Said—Modern Connection
Isowantapetrock p,g, Pet Rock—So Wanted
Jacobite p,c, Sweet Lou—Lovely Assistant
Jolly Jolene p,f, Big Bad John—Ritch Attack
Krueger p,c, McArdle—L’Artesienne
Life After Love p,f, McArdle—Slice Of Life
Mila Hanover p,c, Somebeachsomewhere—Miss Kitty Hanover
Milliennial p,c, Sweet Lou—I Luv The Nitelife
Mister Hermes t,c, Sebastian K S—Monster Woman
Pacer Racer p,c, We Will See—Aqua Artist
Pettycoat Business p,f, Art Major—Benearthebeach
Pj’s Legacy p,f,, Big Bad John—Walstan’s Lady
Pound Sign p,c, Pet Rock—Thatcher Blue Chip
Quizzer p,c, A Rocknroll Dance—Diligent Prospect
Racing Zette p,c, Sweet Lou—Artificial Flowers
Rock And Roll p,c, Sweet Lou—American Heart
Rock Idol p,c, Rockin Image—Thunder Angel
Rockin Red Bud p,c, Pet Rock—Higher Standards
Rockin Your World p,f, Rockin Image—Pandemonious
Rockinmydream p,c, A Rocknroll Dance—Born To Dream
Rose Run Vroom t,c, Uncle Peter—Before The Rain
Santa Fe Gold p,c, Santa Fe Beach Boy—Retrieve The Gold
Seeyou At Thebeach p,c, Somebeachsomewhere—Persistent
Somewhere Beautiful p,f, Somebeachsomewhere—Roberts Ideal
Stanford Court p,c, Nob Hill High—Odds On Hemera
Tackle Hanover p,c, Somebeachsomewhere—Take That Hanover
Thievin’ Bandit p,c, Captaintreacherous—Feeling You
Two Big N Bad p,c, Big Bad John—Two Friskie
Violets Rainbow p,f, Art Official—Angels N Demons
Western Ohio p,c, Western Vintage—Melanie Vc
Wigglemejiggleme p,c, Mr Wiggles—Suite Feelin
Wikileaks p,c, Feelin Friskie—Make A Bundle N
Willy Brock p,c, Artspeak—Carmella
Air Force Hanover p,c, (2,1:51, 131,888) Somebeachsomewhere—Allamerican Cognac
All About Amy p,f, (2,Q1:58.1h, $3,200) Western Vintage—Lucky Turns
Carmen Ohio p,f, (2,1:55.1, $182,700) The Panderosa—Hufflepuff
Caviart Stetson p,g, Well Said—Caviart Spring
Chasing Madi p,f, (2,1:55, $26,365) Always A Virgin—Miss Madi M
Dislocator p,c, (2,1:53.3f, $113,116) Big Bad John—Eagle Yankee
Edge Of Eternity p,f, (2,1:53, $42,500) A Rocknroll Dance—Margin Blue Chip
Egomania p,c, (2,1:51.4, $213,100) Always A Virgin—Has An Attitude
Final Offer p,f, (2,1:55h, $61,300) Rockin Amadeus—Sectionline Yankee
He’s Masterful p,c, Big Bad John—Incredible Bella
High On Paydaze p,c, (2,1:53.1f, $220,700) Nob Hill High—Myell “Ohio 2-year-old Pacing Colt of the Year”
High Reward p,f, (2,1:53.1f, $123,897) Yankee Cruiser—Enhance The Night
Hydration p,f, (2,Q1:58.4f, $26,552) Somebeachsomewhere—Just Add Water
It Can Happen p,f, Art Major—Lotsa Matzah
Jessica’s Beach Boy p,c, Somebeachsomewhere—Bolt Of Thunder
Margret Hill p,f, (2,1:53.3f, $97,000) Somebeachsomewhere—Sarandon Blue Chip
Proof p,c, (2,1:51f, $436,435) A Rocknroll Dance—Ginger And Fred
Pure Honey t,f, Uncle Peter—Honey Thorn
Razor’s Edge p,c, Sweet Lou—Naughtytiltheend
Rock Candy p,g, (2,1:51.3h, $204,576) Pet Rock—Cotton Candy
Sandy Beach p,f, Somebeachsomewhere—Upfrontandpersonal
Shady Payton p,c, Shadyshark Hanover—BJ’s Sunrise
Smackitwithahammer p,g, (2,1:52.3h, $61,000) McArdle—Higher Standards
Sweet Heaven p,f, Sweet Lou—L Dees Heavenlyval
Thaneeya p,f, McArdle—Nuke’s Last Dream
Tony Too Tall p,g, (2,1:54f, $66,298) Big Bad John—Lismaraslady
Unlikeanyother p,c, (2,1:56.1f, $20,550) Pet Rock—Scootin Mercedes
Working Ona Mystery p,c, (2,1:49.3, $100,400) Captaintreacherous—Dragon’s Tale
older horse
Prsntpretynperfect p,m,4, (3,1:51.2f, $205,676) Big Bad John—Wildfire Princess
Walt Carroll Stable
Needham Hanover p,c, Captaintreacherous—Northwestern
Town Victor t,c, Winning Mister—P Town Girl
older horses
Silver Review t,g,5, (3,1:57f, $50,380) Donato Hanover—Credit Review
Wheelsandthelegman t,g,8, (3,1:53.4f, $186,799) Donato Hanover—Carmita
George Ducharme Stable
Alfie De Vie t,f, Credit Winner—Mariah De Vie
Beantown Brady t,c, Cash Hall—Armbro Archer
Big City Seven t,c, Chapter Seven—Annaliina
Blazing Joe p,c, Roll With Joe—Jersey Pearl
Calleesee t,f, Conway Hall—Ksenia
Carve The Sky t,c, Father Patrick—Vintage Oaks
Charlotte Chaplin t,f, Chapter Seven—Anklets Aweigh
Conway Emperor t,c, Conway Hall—Shipps Empress
Dramatra t,f, Trixton—Bourbon ’N Grits
Fortune Starlet t,f, Trixton—Fortune Dream
Golden Dynamite t,c, Kadabra—Dynamite Dame
Gone Before Dawn p,c, American Ideal—Before Dawn
Greyscale t,f, Credit Winner—Global Beauty
He Tricked Me t,c, Trixton—Temple Of Athena
I Feel Love t,f, Donato Hanover—Domestic Diva
Lady Mary Lee t,f, Angus Hall—Princess Pan
Life Is A Feast t,c, Royalty For Life—Luau Hanover
Ove Hanover t,c, Credit Winner—On The Glide
Pop The Top t,c, Donato Hanover—Slightly Tipsy
Realdeal Blue Chip t,c, Chapter Seven—Southwind Catlin
Secret Promise t,f, Donato Hanover—Winnie The Who
Starrystarrynight t,f, Conway Hall—Makes Me Crazy
Super KS t,c, Sebastian K S—Parlia Hanover
The Architect t,c, RC Royalty—Prospect
Threefiftytwo t,c, Royalty For Life—Four Damsals
Vexil t,c, Explosive Matter—Afterimage
Winky J t,f, Chapter Seven—L Dees Maggie
Winnkeri t,f, Credit Winner—Nunkeri
Without A Warning t,f, RC Royalty—Concentration
Amanda Blue Chip t,f, (2,Q1:58.1, $13,663) Chapter Seven—Cantata
Bail Out t,c, (2,Q,2:01.1, $1,984) Royalty For Life—Rc Biscuit
Box Of Gifts t,f, RC Royalty—Soprano Hanover
Chateroll p,c, (2,1:54.1, $43,040) Roll With Joe—Chatelaine
Crystalline t,f, Chapter Seven—Royalty Free
Deplorable Tom t,c, Credit Winner—Samira Hanover
Golden Gypsy t,f, (2,2:01.4f, $13,762) Ulay Boko—Uffra Girl
Hanna Dreamgirl t,f (2,1:56, $115,204) Chapter Seven—Shipps Empress
Jake G’s Champion t,c, (2,1:57.3, $50,091) RC Royalty—Super Starlet
Minor Obsession t,f, (2,1:58.2, $31,994) Muscle Mass—Celia Bleue
O’Brockoli p,c, Rockincam—Just Fine
Precision t,c, (2,1:57.1, $57,569) Muscle Hill—Bourbon ’N Grits
Pushthebuttonmax t,g, (2,2:01.2h, $17,045) Muscle Mass—Julieannie
Queen For Life t,f, Royalty For Life—Now Shes Gone
Sensibility t,f, (2,Q2:00.1, $75,858) Muscle Mass—Twin B Sensation
Simple Kaos t,g, (2,1:56f, $123,750) RC Royalty—Ksenia
Zinfurreal p,f, (2,Q1:58.4, $9,900) So Surreal—Miss Zifandel
Rocksapatriot p,g, (3,1:52.1, $30,000) Rockincam—Fox Valley Sage
Steve Elliott Stable
Big Nudge t,c, Donato Hanover—Victor’s Vicky
Century Gladiator t,c, Andover Hall—Lady Pixie
Frites Hanover t,c, Kadabra—Frenchfrysnvinegar
Last Mach p,c, Mach Three—Gold Not Silver
Massive Flirt t,f, Muscle Mass—Frosty Flirt
Paisley Hanover p,f, Western Ideal—Paris Hanover
Sobieski Hanover p,c, Western Ideal—Stolly Up Blue Chip
Special T Rolls p,f, Roll With Joe—Lady’s Special Girl
Sporty Juliana p,f, Well Said—Sportsfancy
Wrangler Charm p,f, Mach Three—Ja El Shamrock
Art Lecture p,f, (2,1:52.3, $79,408) Well Said—Watercolor Hanover
Character Art p,c, Sweet Lou—Character Flaw
Fabrice Hanover p,c, (3,1:53.3, $31,054) Captaintreacherous—Fit To Frame
Get Even Hanover t,g, Detour Hanover—Girls Gone Lindy
Destiny Hanover p,m, (3,1:52.2f, $43,400) Somebeachsomewhere—Don’t Deny Me
Jeff Gregory Stable
2-year olds
Dominic De Vie t,c, Cantab Hall—Mavis
Duke Of Lindy t,c, Cantab Hall—Nashville Lindy
Palm Springs t,f, Father Patrick—Hot Springs
Private Confession t,c, Father Patrick—Speak To Me
Quimby t,f, Explosive Matter—Louise Kemp
The Next One t,f, Muscle Hill—Juanita’s Fury
Bet Big On Blue t,c, Muscle Hill—Honorable Daughter
L Dees Bella t,f, Cantab Hall—Love My Muscles
Safe Word t,f, (2,2:00.4h, $62,068) Credit Winner—Fifty Shades
Turville Hanover t,c, Cantab Hall—Thistle Dhu
older horse
Tight Lines t,g,6, (4,1:53.4f, $223,270) Yankee Glide—Ilia
William Herman Stable
Berliner Hanover t,g, Yankee Glide—Beignet Hanover
Laramer Stable
Mickey’s Spirit p,c, Up The Credit—Laramers Spirit
Mary Nelson Stable
older horse
Golden Brit p,g,6 (5,1:51.3, $58,033) American Ideal—Panimal Farm
Charlie Norris Stable
Andy American t,c, Andoversure—American Lassie
Can’t Time t,f, Cantab Hall—Je T’aime
Credit Maximum t,c, Credit Winner—Sweet Shurga
Forever N Ever K t,f, Muscles Yankee—Treasure Forever
Gens Nation t,c, Sebastian K S—Red Moon Rising
Ice Hall t,c, Andover Hall—Icy Pleasure
Market District t,c, Donato Hanover—Market Rally
Miss Chip Trix t,f, Trixton—Miss Chip K
Misty Pocus t,f, Kadabra—American Misty
Mizzy Brenda K t,f, Donato Hanover—Winning Missbrenda
Moveoutofmyway K t,f, Muscle Massive—My Winning Way K
My Cousin Eileen t,f, Uncle Peter—Renees Pockets
Nadinehoneyisthatu t,f, Swan For All—Blown In The Wind
Pell Mell p,f, American Ideal—Arbeedo
Pesto t,f, RC Royalty—Lady Likes Muscles
Reciprocal t,f, Chapter Seven—Fraction
Sabia Dream t,f, Dejarmbro—Selena Blue Chip
She Must Be Magic t,f, Kadabra—Win Missy B
Sing Me A Lalabye t,f, Chapter Seven—Amity’s Lalabye
Spark Plug t,f, Conway Hall—Starter Up
Sprint Skater t,c, Donato Hanover—Pleasure Skate
Sweet Sophie T t,f, Conway Hall—Rucoucou
Treacherous Secret p,f, Captaintreacherous—Sara Diamond
Tricky Sister t,f, Trixton—Pay Me Sister
Tuff To Be Lindy t,c, Cantab Hall—Tough Girl Lindy
Woohoo Hanover t,f, Donato Hanover—Wood Blue Chip
Conway Kellyanne t,f, (2,1:58.1h, $127,996) Conway Hall—Pacific Centerfold
Donnafugatta t,f, Kadabra—Renees Pockets
Mass Fortune K t,c, (2,1:57f, $108,001) Muscle Massive—Ice Fortune K
older horses
Picture This t,g,9, (3,1:52.4, $552,041) Classic Photo-Eggie Again
The Erm t,m,5 (4,1:50.3, $183,562) Cantab Hall—Ms Naughty
Team Okusko Stable
Art Fund p,c, American Ideal—Art Account
Bitcoin Hanover p,c, Bettor’s Delight—Boldnbrash Hanover
Boca Bod p,f, Somebeachsomewhere—Upfrontandpersonal
Crazy For Sofia t,f, Crazed—Snowblind Lindy
Ground Control p,f, Art Major—Thong
Jackie De Vie p,f, Roll With Joe—Beach Sunset
Lucan Seelster p,c, American Ideal—Legacy
Major Burn p,f, Art Major—Beach Burn
Mannie’s Lady t,f, Manningly—Lady Max
Muscle Envy t,c, Muscle Mass—Palm Beach Chic
Prince Teaser p,c, Shadow Play—My Little Art
Rolls On The Odds p,f, Roll With Joe—Odds On The Hat
Royal Birth t,c, RC Royalty—Kasha
Royal Chapter t,c, Chapter Seven—Royal Family
Singing Sands p,c, Captaintreacherous—Authorize
Strongarm Hanover t,c, Muscle Massive—Sheena Blue Chip
Stunning Look p,f, American Ideal—Shes A Pansation
Cash Crazy Express p,f, Art Major—Crazy Eights
Codelady p,f, Sportswriter—Davinci’s Choice
Covered Bridge p,g, (2,1:52, $113,009) American Ideal—Stonebridge Kisses
Jenny Lake t,f, (2,1:57.4, $3,350) RC Royalty—Sienna
Jet Rock p,c, (2,1:56h, $44,819) Rock N Roll Heaven—Jet Wash
JNR Express t,c, (2,1:59.3h, $54,673) Conway Hall—Yankee TLC
Manatlas t,c, (2,Q2:00.2, $3,600) E L Titan—Daylon Mystique
Northern Express t,c, (2,1:57.3, $19,777) Muscle Massive—Seducedbychocolate
Paul Reid Stable
Andover All K t,c, Andoversure—Hall La La
Aqua Lillies t,f, Break The Bank K—Aqua Marina K
Bags Of Monee K t,f, Encore Encore—Missy Money Bags
Batter Up t,c, Andoversure—Batting Lashes
Beach Fire K p,c, Somebeachsomewhere—Chinatown K
B Plosive Matter t,c, Explosive Matter—Miz B Winnin
Breakout The Gold t,c, Break The Bank K—Lady Sierra K
Cheezie Motel p,f, Betterthancheddar—Cheap Motel
Diamond Nina t,f, Winning Mister—La La Nina
Dragon Sparks p,f, Dragon Again—Nuclear Rays
Encore Dreams K t,f, Encore Encore—Pure Romance
Fortune’s Made t,c, Encore Encore—Princess Fortune
Gold Fever K t,f, Encore Encore—Striking Gold K
Guys In The Band p,c, Sweet Lou—Rocknroll Queen K
Gypsy Story p,c, Well Said—Gypsy Fantasy
Journey Man K t,c, Angus Hall—Pleasure’s Maiden
Leading Starlet t,f, Muscle Massive—American Starlet K
Little Sandy Toes p,f, Somebeachsomewhere—Alladorable
Mac Muscle t,c, Muscle Massive—Mac’s Caper K
Marbellos t,c, Angus Hall—Marbella K
Meddling t,c, Kadabra—Awesome Chrissy
Mister Speedy t,c, Winning Mister—Fast Lane K
Mister Tuff t,c, Winning Mister—Pink Ruffles
Mizzy Sonata t,f, Winning Mister—First Sonata
Off The Press p,f, Sportswriter—Dragon Flier K
Pacific Tides t,c, Encore Encore—The Great Pacific
Paper Airplanes K t,f, Winning Mister-Soaring Flight
Pearls N Coins t,f, Break The Bank K—Jonlinda
Saint Miss t,f, Winning Mister—American Saint
Say You p,c, Well Said—Valenteenie
Singing Siren t,f, Winning Mister—Pleasure’s Song
Sixteen Allstars t,f, Encore Encore—Sweetsixteenkarets
Sky Castles t,c, Conway Hall—Sand Piper
Snowee Flakes t,f, Donato Hanover—Americansnowqueenk
Spy Mistress K t,f, Angus Hall—Amity’s Winner
Sweet Lady Lou K p,f, Sweet Lou—Lady’s Critic
Tea Breaks K t,f, Break The Bank K—Mity’s Winner
Temper Temper K t,c, Encore Encore—Sass N Pout
The Cheese Monger p,c, Betterthancheddar—Native Flower
Toonietina p,f, Sportswriter—Tattootina
Treasure Books t,f, Encore Encore—Pocketbooktreasure
Vacation Money t,f, Break The Bank K—American Holiday
Winter Winds K t,c, Andoversure—Winter Star
Robbie Roberts Stable
Molly Girl t,f, Possess The Will—Dreamlands Oolong
Tyler Rush Stable
Rockin With Roy p,c, Rockin Amadeus—R Spunky Girl
Robert Sanders Stable
older horse
Jersey Jim p,g,4 (3,1:52.2h, $222,301) Artiscape—Jersey Pearl
Perry Simser Stable
Ideal Heaven p,f, American Ideal—Somewhereinheaven
Swiss Kemp t,f, Trixton—Altavista Hanover
Talking Tom p,c, Artiscape—Tiamo
Tipsy Gypsy t,f, Muscles Yankee—Sea Gypsy
Whitemountainwoody t,g, Boy Band—Maplewood
Hotfoot Hannah t,f, (2,1:59.1, $20,700) Chapter Seven—All For One
Leveler Hanover t,c, Credit Winner—La Boheme
Spare No Money p,f, Art Major—Indulge Me
Ten Million t,c, Muscles Yankee—Win A Million
Wine Gum p,g, Artiscape—Nojoke Island
Chuck Sylvester Stable
Aerator t,c, Trixton—Barbara Brooks
Bash t,c, Sebastian K S—Valotta
Daytona Dreamin t,c, Donato Hanover—Ebbtide Hall
Gospel Truth t,f, Donato Hanover—Choir Robe
Lethbridge Hanover t,c, Wheeling N Dealin—Linda Lovelegs
Loyal Fox Hanover t,c, Andover Hall—Lady Luck Hanover
Rachnid Bluechip t,f, Andover Hall—Make It Blue Chip
Shae Vandervort Stable
Maggie Mayhem t,f, Stormin Normand—To The Good Life
Saint Cecilia p,f, Great Vintage—Miss Tally Ho
Storm Party t,f, Stormin Normand—To The Good Life